OL19418949W Page_number_confidence 96.89 Pages 1062 Partner Innodata Pdf_module_version 0.0.9 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20210310121208 Republisher_operator Republisher_time 978 Scandate 20210304055536 Scanner Scanningcenter cebu Scribe3_search_catalog claremont Scribe3_search_id 10011458958 Tts_version 4. The app no longer gives you the option to select the book, only the chapters (books of Matthew thru Revelation, not numbers) and verse (also only the names of the books, not numbers). Urn:lcp:interlineargreek0000unse:lcpdf:2e850b67-eb9b-4608-bc89-0f62196ab6ab Ive had this app for a long time, but suddenly you can no longer select the passage you want to look up. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 04:13:27 Associated-names Nestle, Erwin, 1883-1972, editor Marshall, Alfred, translator Boxid IA40071405 Camera USB PTP Class Camera Col_number COL-658 Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier