All he managed to do was to rage the scrake without really damaging it at all. Pulled out M79?! Needless to say he didn't manage to kill the scrake. Tactics The Scrake is a very tough enemy. Experience The table below shows the experience points a player will gain on each difficulty upon killing a Scrake. It has a large chainsaw and can outrun a player when enraged. Contents 1 Base Statistics 1.1 Attacks 1.2 XP Notes 2 Speed 3 Resistances and Weaknesses 3.1 Damage Resistance 3.2 Ballistic Resistance 3.3 Hitzones 3.4 Incapacitation Resistance 4 Miscellaneous Information 5 Behavior 6 Extermination Tactics 6.1 Gunslinger 6.2 Sharpshooter 6.3 Demolitionist 6.4 Berserker 6.5 Commando 6.6 Medic 6.7 Support 6.

after all we had 3 large zed killer perks in the team. 1 Summary 2 Experience 3 Tactics 4 Notes Summary The Scrake is a special enemy found in Killing Floor 2. I could probably decapitate it with my AK, but why risk it. Called out a scrake while clearing trash around it. Yesterday we had 2 level 25 demos and one level 20 sharpshooter in the team so I went commando. Yeah, whats up with that? Scrake being explosive resistant and M79 having pitiful impact damage (compared to RPG-7 which is a really good scrake killer for some reason). Ive been playing the Weekly for 2 Hours now and all the time we get a Scrake that is unkillable. There are a few more good ways to deal with scrakes. Third is a bit risky, but possible if conditions are right.